الأربعاء، 16 مايو 2012

Recent Noteworthy Physics Papers

The aim of this thread is to highlight recent (as in within the past 3 months) noteworthy physics papers that have been published in peer-reviewed journals. Anyone can post here, subject to the guidelines listed below:

1. Papers
must be from respected peer-reviewed journals. This includes Nature, Science, Physical Review Letters, The Physical Review Journals, European Physical Review, Europhysics Letters, Physics Letters, Applied Physics Letters, and Journal of Applied Physics.

2. Provide the
full reference to the paper. If the paper also can be found on the web without requiring subscription (such as on the e-print ArXiv), please provide the url. In any case, the full reference to the paper in the journal must be provided. The format for the reference should be as follows:

First Author's Name
et al., Journal Name, Volume number, Page/Article number, (Year).

3. Provide the full abstract to the paper. This is not necessary if the paper is also available for free on the web.

4. [Optional] Please write a brief description why you are highlighting this paper, and why it is noteworthy.

5. [Optional] If this paper is also highlighted by other services, such as AIP's Physics News Update or ScienceDaily, please provide the link to those highlights. This can be added later as they are found.

6. This thread is only meant for highlighting the paper, not as a discussion thread. Please create a different thread if you think the paper deserves some discussion or comments.

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