الجمعة، 4 مايو 2012

Alternative phases of physics and the emergence of modern physics

Of touch and talk about the stages through which mechanics Alternative Bouktsar severe in order to understand the difference between continental and modern mechanics Alternative reality had to wear in the past on this subject and Tsaúlat Taatqazv on from all sides and corners

Alternative physics have passed on many stages and the first of these stages are with the world when Jallio devised simple harmonic motion of the discovery of the pendulum as the famous story and the story you
Aga, the world Galileo was in a church related to his eyes in one of the lamps hanging chains long and hanging from the roof of the church and took Galileo watching the movement of the jellyfish, a shaking of left and right and noted that the capacity of vibration becomes smaller than the capacity of vibration, which preceded the n best vibrations and that the stop lamp completely. Galileo and wondered, "Is the time it takes each Ahtzazh decline, too," and decided that Galileo measures the time each Ahtzazh. Where he and interface problem is how to measure time as clocks that were not found then this problem and I were not a significant barrier in front of him and thus resorted to the use of heart rate as a means of measuring time. This way make Galileo many trials to find that although the stings vibrations diminished but the time of each Ahtzazh remains constant for the Rear. And repeat Galileo this experiment with a stone hanging rope to deduce the same result, and this experience we know the so-called simple pendulum, which was inferred from the movement and stability of her time to measure time, all Ahtzazh of the pendulum is a fixed unit of time and thus the pendulum used in the manufacture of watches. Find theory and then free fall and Newton after him came the world to complete the course and the three theories presented and the law of gravitation, which surprised the world and interpreted many of the phenomena at that time and came after the two scientists to Ajranj and Hamilton.

But in the late nineteenth century failed to classical physics for the interpretation and Talill many physical phenomena discovered in this century, thus opening the door to the emergence and the emergence of modern physics Mmthelta theory of relativity and quantity, this does not defeat completely Physics Alternative, but the expansion of the scope of the theory of old in the light of any changes thereto Facts and information from an extended theory of the new bands and entry to the never-before-her that fought and replete by

In short, the speed of objects, which is less than the speed of light, the classical theory is able to interpret and the objects which have a speed close to the speed of light, the theory of relativity meet the purpose and if we wanted to dive and Njul in the world of corn and access to the details of the quantum mechanics is the most appropriate

I think that Planck's constant is the boundary between the two theories

And Planck's constant is a unit Aellataqh (Gul, J) multiplied by the unity of time (seconds, s) and thus is Bamahsalh unit of work (Gul. Seconds, Js). Is the value of Planck's constant: h = 6.6206 * 10 ^ -34 Js

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