الجمعة، 4 مايو 2012

Why did God create the eye ball shape

Focus of the lens ball lies on the surface and to make sure that brought the ball glass and placed adjacent to the eye of the beholder, then use the convex lens normal to the nation so that Bartha is located on the surface of the lens spherical (lens ball) and so you can see what is the
return of that lens llama and working together Kmaqrab (telescope amplifier) ​​and thus that experience as evidence that the focus of the lens is located on the pellet surfece .

Applications on this lens:

1 - lens of the eye ball shape and Glory be to create a network adjacent to the surface of the eyeball and working Khaúl to receive the images on them.

2 - We see the universe from the lens inside the ball will come out the sun from the west when you scrape the sky as he said in Surat Al-Alim Karim Pelleting scrape the sky when the ball will land, and graduated from the west.

3 - motion pictures of the scenes from inside the ball lens on the surface opposite the actual movement of the body outside of the lens.

4 - Believe God Almighty if he says (and has subjected to you the sun and the system of life and subjected to you Night and day) and consideration of the verse kind match is the night sun and match the moon during the day and that of reasoning from the flexor and Almatov attic from the context of the verse and comparing these verses with the verse number (30-40) Al, we find that the spider is no difference between the names of the clans and their suffering that took place in the AL and the spider with the knowledge that God does not go astray and do not forget why if God match the sun and the moon at night during the day and but that's a fact that we see the universe from within the lens globule photos show things outside on the surface in the reverse of the lens and to make sure that see the drawing rays Van Allen, which describes the expansion Aloinosver time of the day and is the inverse of the sun and thus caused the word the Lord worlds, who said to him, and the alternation of night and day.

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