الثلاثاء، 8 مايو 2012

Different experiments with electricity

Battery of potatoes:
Ogrz piece of copper wire and a piece of zinc (zinc) in the normal raw potato, and now I took a normal telephone handset and made the ends of the wire is located where the two pieces of wire Elamsan Almgruztin in potatoes I heard a clunk to clear when a contact. 

Explanation: This is the sound caused by the presence of an electric current holds in a grain of potatoes, just as occurs in the battery is weak at small private and Nall that the impact of chemically juice or liquid grain of potatoes on each of the two wires, causing Almadnyin for electrical energy and this process is called process galvanizing or plating elements electrically.
Stream of metal:
Take a piece of metal currency (the currency of the cash, for example) of copper metal and pieces as well as the occasion of zinc metal and then cut pieces of blotting paper soaked with salt water and arranged the pieces of copper and zinc and cut blotting paper between two pieces so that it is different and so you get the electrical energy .
And shows us that if we take a wire copper high and the Venah on the compass (50 laps almost) and we take the first party of it to touch a piece of zinc at the top and the second party to come in contact with a piece of copper in the bottom note moves a needle compass indicates the presence of an electric current in the wire under the influence of liquid salt and minerals from the passage of electric current is produced at both ends of the wire.
Does the effect of a magnetic current:
Take a wire in a high transmission of electricity and install it on a base cup glass by adhesive tape so that a curve or arc and put under the bow compass, and now move the cup so that the compass needle parallel to the arch wire completely, if reached end of the wire metal battery dry, you notice immediately move the needle Status of the compass to become orthogonal to the previous situation.
Explanation: When the passage of electric current in the wire magnetic force be formed by the arc pole magnetically south Koreans and other produce movement of the compass of the existence of the field (field) magnetic source voltage.

Wrap copper wire and insulated high-length (1 or 2 m) on the axis of iron (a nail) and then brought the poles of a battery cable and then notes that the axis attracts iron objects Aden and the reason is that the passage of electric current in the wire, especially around the axis results in the field of magnetic axis gain property made up the pole magnetization and other south Koreans If the axis of the light-iron quality, the magnetization of it quickly disappear as soon as power cuts, but if the axle is made of steel, the magnetization remains, despite the power cuts.
Graphite carrier:
Take a pen Rsasia and proven in the heel bulb small and brought the head of a pin Baktab battery and then brought a pair of scissors and brought the tip of the first body bulb metal and the other end of the scissors Baktab Battery II, and then the light bulb where it passes electricity through coal graphite to the bulb, causing lit as graphite material is good for Electricity Transmission If you painted on a sheet of ordinary writing pencil line heavy graffiti, this line transmits power Alkahrbaúakonh wire and can be verified using the handset
Mini radio:
Take the matchbox is empty (the tray containing the rods only), Enter the rods of the pencil so that Tkonan parallel rod and place the last images of a small cross over them and then brought the first penis penis Baktab battery and the second telephone handset and the other side of the handset battery Baktab second, And now if you put the handset in a room far away and then spoke in a matchbox to hear your words in the speaker.
Interpretation: that the sound vibrations affect the movement of the penis that connects the current cross-frequencies and vibration frequencies commensurate with the vibrations of speech and thus become similar to the words in the headset amplifier.
Forms of the magnetic field:
Place a piece of cardboard (cardboard) and passed the midpoint of copper wire and place the dish in question Cups identical horizontally using for example a battery arrived ends of the wire on top and sprinkle iron filings paper Vengdaa circles have formed strange and beautiful overlapping its hole, through which the wire.

Second, static electricity:

Electrified balloon:
Blow air and several Bualen Link Vohtha tightly and then Bdekha piece of woolen cloth, and its proximity to the angle of the roof of the room notes that they remain in place for a long time, as if stuck. And the reason that when the balloons let alone a piece of wool shipments are gaining power and this means that the balloons have got a negative electrical charge of a piece of wool, these shipments are called electrons and the survival of the balloons in the corner of the roof of the room is the meeting due to pending negative electrons from the positive proton in balloons ceiling of the room and that will attract negative electrons. and electrons in the ceiling of the room in which to roam electron Te and be equally balanced and the roof is bad or poor electrical conductivity for several hours when the room air dry.
Attraction and repulsion:
Blow balloons and close the mouth of two antennas each thread, and then let you Albalonen piece of woolen cloth and hold the parties to the linear Albalonen notes as they may be moved apart from each other instead of to each other as they approached, as expected. Because of Scrubs gained Alballonan negative electrons from the cloth mystic who became containing electrons and positive for this Alballonan may find that apart from each other to the clear winners for two shipments, while similar, we find that close to the balloons and are attracted to the mystic cloth that contains positive protons and thus
Curvature of the path of water flow:
Take a plastic spoon and Adekha several times on a piece of woolen cloth and then open the faucet until the water a little bit of water percolated Silana lightly and try not to approach the plastic spoon is Dekha As mentioned flume water immediately how to bend notes Ceylon and water tends to near the spoon. Vaahnat power gained by the spoon as a result Scrubs affected the water molecules and caused the attraction towards her. And if it reaches the water flow to the spoon was liberated shipments immediately and faded away and returned to the water flow vertically as normal rainfall and the reason for this is that the appointments, a spoon of water shipments gained.
Sort salt pepper ground:
Mix a little bit of salt is ground fine with a little pepper soft. How can we work to sort pepper for salt?
Take a teaspoon of plastic commonly used in food and Adekha on a piece of wool and put the spoon over the mixture Madaukh notes immediately jumped high and pepper to stick a spoon. The reason for this is that Scrubs earn Almlqh electrical discharges lead to the mixture to attract a spoon. And if you put a spoon just enough of the mixture is close to notice that the pepper is soft, which is attracted to the spoon because it is lighter than salt and salt if you wish to attract Aiza you have to do that closer to the spoon of the mixture even more.
Ketroscop is simple:
Take an empty bottle and lid Skewer and enter the middle of this hole in the copper rod Mtauajja in the form of hook and tightened plug the hole, through which a rod or wire are well separated by an insulator for the wire cover and dismiss him with him and commented on the hook thin rectangular plate of metal from the aluminum bent in the middle of the symmetric. And now charge the pen with plastic wrap Bdekh on Canvas Sophie Deka well to acquire electrical charges sufficient and if not possible you have a pen used plastic comb, or the like and near the pen of the head of the penis or wire notes on the spot spacing sections of plate aluminum from each other When touching the pen to the wire by moving electrons through the wire to the aluminum sections, where tin is shipped Ksmiha equally leading to the spacing sections from each other depending on the strength of shipments enjoyed by the pen

Third, experiments in the magnetization:

Htoot magnetic force:
Take a paper print A4 for example, and placed on the magnet in the form of U and then brought refinery small soft and place in which filings iron soft and Ankhalha evenly over the paper with shaken lightly and you will see then a mirror image of the magnet and lines around atoms of iron filings, which are settled according to the paths magnetization and events that show you the beautiful lines of a consistent
In order to substantiate this view, but experience has prepared a paper marked with the wax melted, and after that the lines of iron filings near the iron garrison of which even begins to melt the wax and then let it cool until you have an image consists of a beautiful way and help to explain.

Pencil Mobile:
Take a pen and polygon Rsasia put on the table then take the rarely last long circular section and has focused Maamda pen first and then near the top of the pen notes how good a magnet is attracted to the pencil magnet
Because the graphite inside the pencil has the viability of magnetization but it does not enjoy the same advantages enjoyed by the iron in its ability to magnetize.
Inclination toward the pole:
Take Dbusan Fullavean Ojolhma Mmagntin great and good, then take a piece of sponge and a length of industrial display pen to write about and then passed a piece of the middle of a needle in a balanced way and put this piece of the balance between the two glasses and the direction of Mark (s) in the same direction South North notes that the piece tends to the North and the angle of inclination varies from country to country and from place to place and in the region of the Earth's magnetic pole is the direction of the magnetic needle vertically.
Ducks magnetic:
Cut a piece of cardboard the slave in the form of a duck in duplicate and Olsqhma with each other and Ogrz between the two versions pin magnetized and then cut another model similar to the first and put the pin similar and proved each model inside the cover of cork or a cork round and leave the two models in a dish containing notes how the water meets two models in terms of head or tail of the hand toward the north and south according to the magnetization Aldbusan
And the movement of the two models of the Ducks cause a strong and different events: the poles attract each non-equals, heterogeneous effect of the two electrodes and equals the effectiveness of terrestrial magnetism

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