الثلاثاء، 8 مايو 2012


Plasma .....
Password plasma for most people means only that it the fourth case of material which is found only in the nuclear reactions that occur in the depths of the stars and on the roofs or those that occur in nuclear reactors, where high temperatures and high pressure, but there are many industries technological very complex completely dependent on the use of plasma processed in the laboratory, these industries from manufacturing electronic integrated circuits and manufacturing of diamonds and served chips and wires of superconducting materials for electricity and gas as well as in the conversion of toxic gases as well as useful for this study and understand the mysteries of the universe vast. In this article will shed light on the plasma and its uses.

Most of the material found in nature in three situations, the solid state and liquid state and gaseous state and can convert material from one state to another either by changing temperature or pressure, and in all these cases, the atoms of the material retains electrons associated with the electrical forces of attraction. But there is a fourth case of a substance to be the image of gas but this gas contains a mixture of equal numbers of positively charged ions and electrons is negative. This mixture is called the gas ionized or plasma Plasma, and as the plasma unstable state, the power of attraction electrical work to restore the Union of positive and negative charges with each other, and the result of re-union is launching light of a specific frequency depends on the energy levels of atoms making up the material plasma.

Where are the plasma?

Often most of the material found in this vast universe there is in the form of plasma. This plasma is at high temperatures and high density as well, and change these conditions from one place to another, for example, temperature of center of the sun ten million degrees Celsius while on the surface, the temperature of up to six thousand degrees Celsius, hence, the plasma inside the sun quite different from the outside. But on the globe where there is often material in the solid state, and the layers of the atmosphere is a gas is ionized, ie that there is no case of normal plasma on the surface of the earth. But you can work in a laboratory plasma? If you read this article under the light of fluorescent lamp (neon), the source of this light is a plasma manufacturer, when the passage of power supply in the gas (gas mercury) under low pressure, it works on the ionization of the gas, leaving a mixture of positive ions and electrons, which will quickly be combine with each other and the result is emission of bright light, and continue these processes (ionization and the European Union) as long as the power supply in the force. This is an example on the source plasma temperature is low in your home.

But the past and the present day astrophysicists interested in to reveal the secrets of the universe and understand what is happening on the surface of the sun and other stars. So scientists tried to manufacture the same stars found in the plasma in the laboratory, and to make this plasma scientists have developed various devices capable of generating tremendous energy to produce the plasma in the same plasma conditions found in nature, was one of these devices is a device specifically magnetic Magnitec-confinment devices. And has to know a lot of information on the composition of the surface and understand the outside of the solar envelope. But what about the plasma inside the sun with very high temperatures. How can be manufactured in the laboratory?

In fact, until recently, and the development of laser Ajhrh became possible to get a plasma similar to those found on any star, whether inside or outside of it.

Get a plasma by laser?

We know that light is a fluctuation of two perpendicular, one electric and one magnetic. The laser is just a light has distinctive characteristics make the radiance intensity (energy per unit area per unit time) increases with increasing electric field and magnetic Mujath.

But you can have a light output of the laser is stronger than solid objects? The intensity of the electric field of the laser beam of 5x1011v / m when the intensity of radiance 3x1020W/m2, and in these days reach the intensity of some types of laser radiation to approximately 1022W/m2. Compared to radiation strongly regular electric lamp (60Watt) at a distance of two meters or meter is not more than 0.1W/m2. Since the electric field of this radiation much greater than the electric field that connects the atoms of solids to each other and thus the electric field of the laser beam will affect the electrons solids separated from the atoms, leaving the positive ions and thus prevents the laser part of the solid material to the case of plasma. It is clear from the foregoing that the use of lasers can be focused to produce a plasma at very high temperatures inside the laboratory and at low cost. Figure (1) how to make plasma in the laboratory using a laser.

This system has many important applications in the field of astrophysics where the choice of target material and design engineering are given so that the plasma generated in the laboratory plasma conditions similar to the real star to be studied. In addition to that, the plasma used in many industries.

Industrial applications of plasma

Integrated circuit industry

Using plasma with low temperatures in many important areas, for example, most integrated circuits very complex and entering in the composition of each electronic device, this circuit contains tens of thousands of transistors and capacitors connected to each other by wire diameter in the range 0.1 micrometers, this type of nanotechnology and manufactured using a complex Albularma, where the plasma carve electronic circuits on a chip based on silicon metal mask is subject to the slide.

In this process is a sculpture on a silicon chip as follows: -

Since the electrons within the plasma free movement and energy higher than the cation, they reach the outskirts of the plasma quickly and in turn attract cations direction and Tjlha towards the slide and when the collision cation areas exposed on the slide you Bnanha, and then replaces the mask metal the last printed by the circuit of class II Thus for the third and fourth layer ...... And so on until the process of sculpture.

There is another way which is followed depends on the use of composite Carbon tetrafluoride CF4 plasma as a source of production, and then turns this compound to other parts of fluorine atoms. These atoms react with silicon atoms, consisting of the slide and be a new compound is a Silicon tetrafluoride, which can be removed during the pumping process. Clear from the foregoing that this method is the chemical process in which the fluorine atoms devour silicon to be removed. This process is faster than the previously mentioned process of sculpture.

It should be noted that research and development underway since 1980 and until now to get the plasma regularly to cover the largest possible area where the chip silicon used an old 2 per cm 2 now they are up to 20 cm 2, and this plasma has many uses, they are used in computer screens of mobile Notebook computer as a source Optical, which led to a major development in the field of display technology. Scientists are now seeking to get the screen area of ​​1 square meter and thickness of no more than 4-5 cm to be used as a screen TV can be suspended in homes and shops, without running into the room, and this will be achieved to reach a homogeneous plasma on an area of ​​1 meter square.

Portfolio of a clean environment

Plasma is used now in many developed countries to get rid of toxic substances polluting the environment, based on the chemical processes that are unique within the plasma. Where the plasma can convert toxic substances emitted from factory chimneys and car exhaust gas such as sulfur dioxide (SO) and nitric oxide (NO) to non-toxic materials. For example, NO gas before it comes out of the chimney to the atmosphere, draws upon a package of high-energy electrons from a device installed in the middle of the chimney works to ionize gases (NO toxic material and air) any transformation to the case of plasma. Before going out to be the air ionization phase has ended and is composed of nitrogen and oxygen molecules as a result of re-union. Thus, we have around us polluting gases into gases and low-cost beneficial.

It should be noted here that it was going to address the newly released gases from the exhausts of cars, where the device was installed in the plasma exhaust to the car addresses the toxic gases into the atmosphere before they leave.

Also conducted numerous experiments on solid waste and liquid plasma are used at high temperatures up to 6000 ° C working to vaporize and break down toxic substances and converts them to non-toxic gases, and in the end of the process that remains of the solids in the form of glass. It was in America last year to get rid of about 4000 warehouse containing solid waste and polluting the environment by the plasma. This has been a waste buried in the ground, which were causing the dangers of pollution. Using the plasma can now get rid of 200 kilograms of toxic materials in time.

How to create a plasma in the laboratory

In order to make a plasma under low pressure to a gas, all that is needed is a vicious air meter and display half a meter almost as well as a source of nutrition for the AC, (in the industry be a source of power in the field of radio frequency 13.56MHz and newly can use the devices microwave frequencies higher 2.45 GHz). In the plasma can actually work in any form, but the most widely used in industry is shown in Figure (2), and contains two tablets half Qtarhama metal about 15 centimeters and the distance between them of 4-5 cm. After pumping the air by the gas enters the circle to be converted to a state plasma may be a mixture of gases, and once the passage of electric current (~ 200Watt) begins with a source of gas in the glow a bright light in color depends on the type of gas.

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