الجمعة، 4 مايو 2012

What is Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Nanoscience includes the search to discover new behaviors and properties of materials at nanoscale dimensions. And that its dimensions (approximately 1 to 100) nm. Nanotechnology is the way in which the discoveries made at the nanoscale at work. It's more than just a collection of several nanoscale materials. It requires the ability to handle and control these materials in a meaningful way.

What is your thing at the nanoscale?

In short, the materials at the nanoscale can have different properties. Some become better conductive electrically or thermally, some of them become stronger, some of which have become a different magnetic properties, while others reflect light better, and some of them changed their colors change size.

  Surface area:

Nanoscale materials also have surface areas much larger than the sizes are similar to materials with larger scale, this means providing more space for interactions with the materials around it.

  What is the importance of surface area?

Comparing a piece of gum chewed in the form of a charge with the strain of this chewing gum in the form of plate thin as possible, the surface, or area visible external, much more of a piece of stretched them to a piece Almamadogh, the chewing gum outstretched likely to dry out and become brittle faster than those Almamadogh because it (extended) has a greater surface contact with the air that moves around.

How small is a nanometer?

Determines nanometer part of a billionth of a meter. How small is it? These are some ways to think about it:

The sheet of paper with a thickness of 100.000 nm.

Blonde hair with a diameter of probably 15,000 to 50.000 nm, but the black hair is likely to have a diameter of from 50,000 to 180,000 nanometers

There are 25,400,000 nanometers in one inch.

Nanometer equivalent to 1 millionth of a millimeter.

Show the link scale of things, and three examples of nanoscale


Where are the materials with the nanoscale?

Nanoscale materials with nanoscale and influence are found in nature all around us. Secrets of nature for the construction of nanoscale processes and produce a mechanism scientists hope to emulate. The researchers previously copied the nanostructure of the leaf lotus flower to produce a surface water repellent used today to make stain-proof clothing, for the production of other tissues, and other materials, while others imitate the strength and flexibility of spider web, which has reinforced the natural crystal nanoparticles.

Many of the important functions in the life of organisms occur according to the nanoscale, that our bodies and the bodies of all animals use natural materials with nanoscale, such as proteins and other molecules, to control many of the systems and processes of our bodies. The typical protein such as hemoglobin, which carries oxygen through the bloodstream with a diameter of 5 nanometers, or 5 billionths of a meter.

Nanomaterials surround us on every side, in the smoke of the fire, volcanic ash, sea spray, as in the products resulting from combustion processes. Some of these materials and placed in use for centuries. The material such as gold (nanoscale), used in stained glass and ceramics since the tenth century, but require another 10 centuries before they develop the ability and Majaher high precision equipment to allow for nanomaterials that imagine and call back.


What is nanoscale behavior?

At the nanoscale, objects behave quite differently from its disposal at larger scales, gold in the large scale, for example, an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, but not to light. But the particles of gold nanoparticles based appropriately, and begin to absorb light can turn that light into heat, enough heat. In fact, this makes them work Kmushart thermal miniature in which you can kill unwanted cells in the body, such as cancer cells.

Some other articles may be crying notoriously stronger when built on the nanoscale. For example, Vonabeb carbon nanotubes with a diameter of 0.00001 diameter human hair, are incredibly strong. It is used in the manufacture of bicycles, baseball bats, and some car parts at the present time. Some scientists think the possibility of all carbon nanotubes with plastics for the manufacture of composite is much lighter than steel, and at the same time more power from it. Imagine how energy savings can be substituted if some of the minerals used in the manufacture of the car such a compound! The carbon nanotubes that conducts heat and electricity better than any metal, so it can be used to protect aircraft from lightning strikes, can also be used in electrical circuits computer

. Wrote a. / Musab al-Nasser -

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