الجمعة، 4 مايو 2012

The phenomenon of Compton

Nad the fall of a photon (X-rays of Ochah gamma) on the free electron, we note that: -

  1 - less than the photon frequency and change its direction.

2 - increases speed of an electron and change its direction.

Can not be explained by the wave theory (classic), but can be explained through the imposition of Planck.

The imposition of Planck?

* Electromagnetic radiation consists of photons.

* And can collide electrons and photons of these balls collide with each Albullardoa

So must the application of the law of the survival of the amount of movement that is

* Momentum before collision = momentum after collision

It must also application of the law of the survival of any energy that

* (Energy of the photon + electron energy) before the collision = (energy of the photon + electron energy) after the collision

* Conclusion - the photon has a gross amount of any movement of his speed and mass.

                    The electron has a serious amount of movement of his speed and mass.

                    So the phenomenon of Compton proof of the status of the photon particle

     Application of the Compton effect

Demonstrate the phenomenon of Compton photon character of the particle (photon particle has any amount of movement of his speed and mass)

What the consequences of: - When a photon hits an electron and gives him his energy.

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